What Is Spring?

By Sam Churchill

What is Spring?

Spring is a precise and delicate thing.

It is the touch of pink in an apricot bloom; the golden smile of a daffodil; water in an irrigation canal; the sound of a tractor in a field.

It is the way you feel when you get up in the morning; the glint of sunlight on a windowsill; the underground noise robins hear as worms work their way below the surface of a lawn.

Spring is yellowish twine strung from overhead wires to ground stakes around a vegetable garden; lambs dozing in the sun.

Spring is a farmer sifting soil between his fingers; weeds burning along a road; a house cat watching a bird.

Spring is seed going into the ground; or laughter of children.

It is big, fluffy clouds coasting across the sky; raindrops making rings in a puddle.

Spring isn’t something you check out on a calendar or are alerted to by the Farmer’s Almanac. It’s suddenly being able to bend over with ease and tie your shoes in the morning.

It’s going inside the house and forgetting to shut the door. It’s taking a handful of bills from the mailbox without making a single remark to your wife.

Spring is when you dream of tomorrow and enjoy today. It’s when you forget to turn on television. It’s a gentle stirring, deep inside, that insists you walk instead of waiting for a bus.

It’s when you breathe deep.

It’s that fleeting moment of time, each year, when you suddenly become you.

It’s when you say “Good morning” and mean it.
It’s a moment of goodwill and pleasant thoughts.

It’s when God speaks and you hear Him.

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